Wednesday 30 September 2015

week 2 : Give the title project

This week I met with the supervisor for discussion on the appropriate title for the project I should do for FYP. before meeting with the supervisor, I have made some research to find a suitable title for my FYP.

Here are some ideas that I have given to the selection of an appropriate title for my FYP :

  1. Personal Air Conditioner Powered from Solar Energy.
  2. Rain Sensing Automatic Car Wiper.
  3. Automatic doorbell that can detect objects.
  4. Shopping trolley follower.
  5. Wireless Security System.
After discuss with supervisor, Madam Azliza choose the best title for me to proceed project for FYP is Shopping trolley follower.

Conclusion for this week :
the outcome of discussions, I have agreed with the supervisor and the title you have chosen for my FYP. Supervisor asked me to create a blog for updates for FYP.

Week 1 : The Briefing

The first week of S2/2015 semester started. Other candidates and I that took the Final Year Project I (FYP) attended the briefing held by a few of FYP committees at the TTL hall. Here are some of the contents obtained during the briefing:

  1. All students must find the advisor of their choice. i choose my supervisor is Madam Azliza Mohamad Arshad.
  2. The FYP title must suitable and be submitted to the advisor which is then  registered  to the FYP website (
  3. Any progresses must be reported to the advisor and recorded in a blog/logbook.
  4. List of title and requirement in the report. 
  5. The title of our project must be registered until Week 3.

in conclusion for this week, understand what you do this FYP1 for this semester and research tittle project to choose and confirm the title project until week 3.