Friday 26 February 2016

week 4 (FYP2): Briefing for FYP2 and buy component

Objective for this week: go to the briefing for FYP2 and buy new component for design and test the circuit for trolley follower.

For the briefing was meant to give some explanation to all final year projects 2 student. The briefing is about: 
  • Introduction
  • Objective
  • Credits and duration
  • Scope of project
  • Title selection
  • Project assessment
  • Presentation day
  • Submission date of project
for buy new component, i buy for this component and equipment:
  1. board
  2. usb cable
  3. jumper
  4. mini board

Friday 19 February 2016

Week 3 (FYP2):Test Ultrasonic Sensor Distance

Objective for this week: For this week I test ultrasonic sensor using ARDUINO for check the distance and set the distance for ultrasonic sensor function.  First, using a check arduino to detect and set up which can be set and the result will be available on the system monitor screen serial arduino. 

1. first test result output to show the monitor in arduino:

In the picture above there is a reading on the test and the distance sensor on the display.

2. Second test sensor using real situation for test the distance of sensor:

This below show circuit testing sensor ultrasonic:

The 5V pin of the ultrasonic sensor is connected to the 5V pin on the board, the GND pin is connected to the GND pin, and the SIG (signal) pin is connected to digital pin 7 on the board.

This below show schematic testing sensor ultrasonic:

This video is about to testing distance ultrasonic sensor:

Friday 12 February 2016

Week 2: Change Microcontroller and buy new microcontroller (Arduino)

Objective for this week: Change microcontroller from ATMEL AVR 8- bit to ARDUINO UNO and test ARDUINO UNO function.

For this week i do and test microcontroller. First i try microcontroller ATMEL, microcontroller ATMEL is complicate then I meet my advisor and I discuss to better microcontroller. I decided to use microcontroller ARDUINO UNO because ARDUINO is easy better then ATMEL.

Step to test function ARDUINO UNO :

1. Install ARDUINO software

2. Test design ARDUINO UNO in proteus

3. Write basic coding ARDUINO UNO to test ultrasonic sensor.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Week 1 (FYP2): New semester and update latest progress

Objective for this week: To update latest progress to the FYP advisor

For this week I met with my advisor and discuss progress for FYP2 and what should I do for this semester to complete my FYP2.
I discuss for my project and now i prepare to order this component to start my project, 

The list component i need to buy is:

1. Sensor
2. Microcontroller
3. Equipment = Trolley, Motor, and tyre controller.

Conclusion : For the conclusion on this week, i have meet my supervisor to manage the  meeting time with him and also i have get a permission from my supervisor about the idea to finalize the component that i need to use for my FYP 2