Sunday 24 April 2016

Week 11 (FYP2): Addition component and modified the coding

Objective for this week: go to JALAN PASAR buy new addition component and set new coding for addition component and test burn the coding to hardware.

1. first go to JALAN PASAR buy the component:

component have buy is:
  • switch 
  • cable jumper
  • L298 motor drive module
  • Donut board
2. second addition and edit the coding for motor controller, below picture show the coding:
by coding the above, I have made ​​some changes in the coding of the motor controller. Here I have added two motor coding, including one to move to the left, while the other one to move to the right.
On motor coding I have set the appropriate speed and distance is suitable for both motor.

this week, I've added coding hardware and repair coding motor controller.

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